Wednesday, January 16, 2013

life cycle of the ergotic attachment

the study of ergotic transformations arose from an attempt in the early part of the 20th century to reconcile certain measure-preserving transformations with the freudian concept of "amorous choice."  the name "ergotic," used as a modifier by Hoffman as early as 1932, refers to the sclerotium of the fungus of genus Claviceps and the ascospores formed by a sexual process in these bodies, from which transformative powers are derived through the action of certain potent alkaloids.  the resultant class of neuromotor transformations is generally divided into the physical and the psychotic.  the former category may be further subdivided into motor affections (lassitude, sensory disorders, ataxic gait, impairment of speech, deterioration of writing) and vegetative symptoms (indisposition, nausea, emptiness, buzzing of the ears, headache, perspiration, accelerated heartbeat). psychotic components include personality disturbances, disturbances in logical thinking, reduced powers of concentration, changes in mood varying from euphoria to depression, modification of memory function, distortion of the perception of space and time, and polychrome hallucinations.  these transformations can move almost all subsets of the physiological space but cannot move sets of measure zero or the entire space.

1 comment:

  1. your analysis here is obscene. acute ergotic misanthropy may periodically evolve from the metapsychic fluid or aether. in ESRF analysis of the dialysis fluid for analytes, for example, creatinine and urea are often employed to ensure that the process constitutes an efficient psychophysical phenomenon.

    - Martin
